Prof. Giorgio Dalpiaz

He is the DiaPro4.0 project coordinator and he is involved in other collaborative projects and academic collaborations. He is the Deputy Scientific Director of the Laboratory for Advanced Mechanics (MechLav) of the University of Ferrara since 2010. MechLav, afferent to the Technopole of Ferrara, is an accredited laboratory to the Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network. Since…

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Paolo COMINETTI (BPRC Manager) has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Bologna and he has 27 years’ experience in automotive industry and 9 years in Gearbox industry. He joined the Bonfiglioli group 9 years ago and is currently the Bonfiglioli Product Research Center (BPRC) Responsible inside R&D Corporate. He is the…

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She got the bachelor and the master degree in management engineering in 2013 and 2015, respectively. She got the PhD in Industrial Innovation Engineering focusing her research activity on the design high-performance synchronous electrical machines. Employed in Raw Power Srl from November 2019, she deals with electrical machines design and management thematic related to High…

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He got the bachelor and master Degree in mechatronics engineering in 2007 and 2009, respectively. He is employed in Raw Power Srl from 2012 up today. He dealt with Electric Motor Lab, a certified laboratory for tests on rotating electrical machines. From 2017 he took on the role of Sales and Project Manager, he deals…

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Il progetto DiaPro 4.0 (Diagnostica Prognostica Industria 4.0) si propone di sviluppare sistemi innovativi di manutenzione avanzata dell’Industria 4.0 basati sulla manutenzione predittiva.

DiaPro4.0 coinvolge tre Laboratori di ricerca industriale accreditati alla Rete regionale per l’Alta Tecnologia, con esperienza nel campo delle trasmissioni meccaniche e della diagnostica/prognostica, e le imprese Bonfiglioli Riduttori e Marposs.

L’obiettivo generale del progetto è quello di identificare le migliori tecnologie di analisi predittiva per poter disporre di linee di produzione in grado di effettuare in autonomia una autodiagnosi preventiva su problemi/difetti che possono insorgere durante i processi produttivi (Diagnostica predittiva), per poter stimare la vita residua della linea stessa -in funzione delle reali condizioni di utilizzo- e pianificare in anticipo gli interventi di manutenzione (Prognostica).

E’ un progetto di ricerca industriale finanziato da POR FESR Emilia Romagna 2014-2020 nell’ambito della Strategia di Specializzazione Intelligente (S3)